Early twenties male presented to our office with severe lower back pain and neck pain. He had previously been very active with high school sports and found that he was unable to participate in recreational sports as an adult due to his recently increased back and neck pain.
He reports that he sits a lot in his current job and feels that didn’t help his problem.
Our recommended treatment was Corrective Chiropractic Care coupled with At-home core strengthening exercises.
Upon re-evaluation, after 12 visits, he reported that his back pain had decreased by about 70% and that he was feeling much more comfortable in his job and was looking forward to participating in an adult league basketball team.
He decided that he wanted to continue with care to reach Optimal Spinal Health.
Upon progressive evaluation he has significantly decreased his lower back and neck pain. The most noticeable change is in his posture. He has had many friends comment that he looks taller and stands straighter.